Pop Up Course: Introduction to Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency Part 2

Dr. Ricky Li
Altonomy, Inc.
Wed, July 20, 2022 at 1:00 PM


Recording link: https://rensselaer.webex.com/recordingservice/sites/rensselaer/recording/96c517a2ea7b103a91dd00505681490b/playback

Slides: https://rpi.box.com/s/kl2825qnsu14ukmfws7djqr0ajkkokzb

Preparation: For the second class, we will go over the different components of the Ethereum tech stack and it will be better for the students if they can set up the following prerequisites to get better acquainted with Ethereum.

1. Install Metamask browser extension and create an account. 
Switch to goerli testnet and get some test ETH. These are some of the active faucets

2. Get familiar with the Remix Browser IDE 
Can refer to the following documentation - https://remix-ide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html

3. In your python dev environment, install web3 package by the following command




This two-part pop-up course will introduce students (and faculty and staff too!) to the basics of cryptocurrency using the blockchain technology.  The course will introduce the blockchain technology, the basics of cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, and tools such as smart contract, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Solidity, and Web3.  A Python script will be provided to interact with smart contracts.  All students can run this web3 script to create a metamask wallet, go to faucet and get a test ether, and then interact with this voting smart contract.

Part 2:

  • EVM Overview, Smart Contracts, Gas, Accounts (EOA, Smart Contract)
  • Solidity Basics (Instructor will provide a simple Voting smart contract).
  • Web3 basics (interacting with smart contract) (a Python script will be provided to interact with this smart contract.
  • Task - All the students can run this web3 script and can create metamask wallet, go to faucet and get test ether and then can interact with this voting smart contract.
Ricky Li Head Shot

Ricky Li is the Co-Founder of Altonomy, a cryptocurrency trading, advisory and asset management firm. Now based in New York, he is a veteran trader in the emerging cryptocurrency market and traditional commodities markets.  Dr. Li has experience in commodities quantitative trading, and research and advisory in investment banks, energy firms and management consulting firms, including CME Group, where he managed the energy derivative product and published various articles and insights about market fundamentals. Prior to Altonomy, Li held a senior trading position at a top Asian crypto hedge fund. Li holds a CFA Charter and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.