For power system operators, it is difficult to identify location of forced or poorly damped oscillations as they are caused by equipment malfunction or improper tuning of equipment, both of which are not represented in the simulation models. If a resonance with the natural oscillations of the system takes place and the oscillations are not mitigated, such an event can cause equipment damage or a blackout of a part of the system. Thus, developing a robust and accurate method to not only locate the source of oscillations, but also to identify the type of equipment that causes oscillations, is very important for real-time power system operation. This motivated the creation of the IEEE-NASPI Oscillation Source Location Contest.
61 teams from North and South America, Europe and Asia took part in the competition. The contest consisted of 13 challenging scenarios representing realistic oscillations generated from a model of the US Western Interconnection created by National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
Additional details of the competition can be found on the website.
Dr. Osipov has been invited to the October 2021 NASPI Work Group Meeting to present the oscillation source location method on behalf of the RPI team.