The ECSE Department at RPI welcomes a new Assistant Professor, Dr. Ish Jain, starting from Fall 2024.
Ish received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California at San Diego last summer. He received his M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at New York University and B. Tech. in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, India, in 2016. He interned at VMware during his doctoral study and at Nokia Bell Labs during his master's study. Ish is a recipient of the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship, VMWare Research Grant, and Marconi Society Scholar in Residence award. He received the Best Poster Award at Hotmobile 2023 and the Best Thesis Presentation at the Information Theory Conference. His research has been published in leading venues such as Sigcomm, NSDI, Mobicom, Infocom, and IEEE Security and Privacy journals.
Ish’s overall research interests lie in next-generation communication and networking. He has conducted specific research investigations in 5G/6G millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication, wireless sensing applied to location and sensing, and identification and mitigation of wireless security vulnerabilities. His research introduced a frequency-dependent multi-beam framework in an mmWave system to allow a robust, scalable, and efficient multi-user environment. He also explored using frequency-based sensing for localization in autonomous systems and security risks due to mmWave reflections. In each of these areas, Ish combines theoretic analysis with experimental demonstrations using a mmWave communication testbed that he developed and built.
Ish is poised to continue his research at RPI, building wireless systems for the next generation networks (6G and beyond), with a multi-disciplinary focus on communication, sensing, and security. His research interests focus on a wide range of topics including Millimeter-wave Communication, Low-power IoT/Sustainable Communication, Satellite Communication, Software Defined Radios, Open-RAN, Integrated Communication and Sensing, Radar Sensing, and Security & Privacy of Sensing and Communication Systems. Ish is building a new wireless lab at RPI and is looking to hire motivated PhD students in his lab.