The Electrical and Electronic Engineering Conference (Jornadas de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica) is an annual event organized by the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the National Polytechnic School. This conference brings together students, professors, researchers, and professionals with the aim of disseminating their graduation projects, curricular integration initiatives, research project advancements, and engagement activities, as well as presenting academic papers. The conference will take place on November 29, 30 and December 1, 2023.
Abstract for Prof. Vanfretti’s keynote, titled “Using Probing Input Signals for Enhanced Power Grid Monitoring and Control”:
Power grids are undergoing major transformations across the globe due to the integration of renewable resources and changes in electricity demand (e.g. electric vehicles, massive data centers, etc.). This poses tremendous challenges to maintain adequate dynamic performance in the grid, which needs to be assisted with advanced monitoring tools and means to enhance existing controls.
System identification techniques are incredibly valuable for such applications. These techniques can be used for system-level oscillatory monitoring, plant-level dynamic performance monitoring and control design. This talk describes how the prediction error identification techniques developed by the system identification community can be used for such purposes and applied to power systems.
The talk will introduce a framework for designing a multisine probing signal that, when applied in the control inputs of either power electronics-based devices (e.g. HVDC) or conventional synchronous machines, is able to provide a damping estimation with user specified (low) variance. The employed framework is demonstrated through simulations of Modelica-based nonlinear power system models of varying complexity.
Finally, as the next step to bring such techniques into practice, we demonstrate recent work on prototyping of probing experiments, where power system models designed with Modelica are exported via the FMI standard for deployment in real-time simulators. The portability of the studied model allows not only for off-line design of the identification technique, but also enables testing in the real-time simulator environment for probing signal design optimization before field experiments are conducted.
The contents of this presentation are based on work supported by the SuperGrid Institute, Lyon, France; and Dominion Energy Virginia, Richmond, Virginia.
Prof. Vanfretti will be presenting work from the following 2 papers:
•S. Boersma, X. Bombois, L. Vanfretti, J.C. Gonzalez-Torres, and A. Benchaib, “Probing Signal Design for Enhanced Damping Estimation in Power Networks,” International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 129, July 2021, 106640, ISSN 0142-0615. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2020.106640
•M. de Castro, S. Boersma, and L. Vanfretti, “Real-Time Prototyping of Optimal Experiment Design in Power Systems using Modelica and FMI,” 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 17–21 July 2022, Denver, Colorado. Author’s copy: here
Luigi Vanfretti (Senior Member, IEEE; Member, Modelica Association) leads ALSETLab on research in energy systems, electrical power systems, and aircraft electrification. His research includes cyber-physical system (CPS) modeling, simulation, stability, and control in energy systems, power grids, and electrified transportation. For more information on his research, see here.