On Wednesday, April 12, 2023 from 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM, ECSE Prof. Luigi Vanfretti will be a panelist in a panel on 5G-Enabled Grid Edge for Immersive AI Applications at the IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies.
The panel centers around the ways 5G enables new architectures and frameworks that support a dynamic, near real-time, end-to-end fabric to assist critical infrastructure operation in a continuously evolving environment. Embracing 5G technologies bridges the gap between energy stakeholders and computing/ML resources to enhance grid asset management through cohesive data integration and intelligent analytics. In this panel session, they will present a series of successful stories, R&D efforts, pilot projects, and visions from broader industrial members, electric research institutes, and national labs, about the applications of data analytics and machine learning for distributed and decentralized decisions and control, that is, at grid edge. The ultimate goal of the panel session is to connect cutting-edge data analytics and machine learning theories to real-world problems, and show the pathway for artificial intelligence-based technology landing to address challenges in the process of grid decarbonization.
Prof. Vanfretti will be presenting work from the following 3 papers, that involved undergraduates Shunyao Xu, Galilea Olvera and Justin Johnson working through URP and Arch ILE, as well as former ECSE MSc student Sergio Dorado-Rojas:
- S.A. Dorado-Rojas, S. Xu, L. Vanfretti, G. Olvera, M.I. Ayachi, and S. Ahmed, “Low-Cost Hardware Platform for Testing ML-Edge Power Grid Oscillation Detectors,” 10th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems, Milan, Italy,May 3, 2022.
- S.A. Dorado-Rojas, S. Xu, L. Vanfretti, M. I. Ayachi and S. Ahmed, “ML-based edge application for detection of forced oscillations in power grids,” 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 17–21 July 2022, Denver, Colorado.
- J. Johnson and L. Vanfretti, “A Software Test Suite for Data Acquisition and GPU-Based Computations on IoT Edge Devices for High Frequency Power Grid Monitoring,” 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting (GM) Orlando, Florida, 16 – 20 July 2023.
Luigi Vanfretti (Senior Member, IEEE; Member, Modelica Association) leads ALSETLab on research in energy systems, electrical power systems, and aircraft electrification. His research includes cyber-physical system (CPS) modeling, simulation, stability, and control in energy systems, power grids, and electrified transportation. For more information on his research, see here.