Prof. Vanfretti has received a University of Calgary Visiting Scholar Award. The UCalgary Visiting Scholar program is designed to bring distinguished scholars to the University of Calgary who, by their presence and participation in research and teaching, will make a significant contribution to the academic life of our university.
Thanks to this award, Professor Vanfretti will visit the University of Calgary and offer two research seminars and a research workshop. The contents of the workshops arise from Prof. Vanfretti's long-term research collaborations on the application of system identification techniques to power system monitoring and control and computer-based modeling and simulation using the open-access Modelica language (https://modelica.org/). The workshop will focus on giving hand-on training on the use of the OpenIPSL (http://openipsl.org/), a Modelica-based library for power system modeling, using the OpenModelica environment. These research results and tools aim to aid grid planners and operators in the challenges posed by the on-going evolution of the power grid with the addition of renewable energy sources and electrification.
For those interested, more information and links for registration can be found in the links below: