The W2SZ Ham Radio club led a PIXIE radio kit building event on October 18th, 2023. Members worked in the Mercer in Xile lab - future activities such as this will be held in the Mercer lab, which is currently in renovation. This was a great first experience for those new to soldering and electrical engineering, and members who had more experience got a chance to improve their skills.
After building the PIXIE transceivers, we tested them to ensure everything was properly connected and the audio was working. This whole process took about 2-3 hours, depending on how much experience people had. It was a fun, hands-on experience with radios and the club is looking forward to doing more activities like this in the future!
W2SZ meets every Wednesday from 7-8pm, in JEC 6037 (the Flip Flop lounge). To get more updates from the club, follow w2sz_rpi on Instagram or check out their website at w2sz.org.