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Explore Our Labs, Research and Classes

Electric Circuits - Omega Lab Highlights Fall 2019


Computer Vision for Visual Effects 2019

This video showcases student projects from the most recent offering of ECSE 4620/6620, Computer Vision for Visual Effects, which combines math, programming, professional software, and data collection activities.


Sawyer Research Lab


The Radke Lab @ RPI

Prof. Rich Radke’s group works on computer vision and machine learning problems applied to large-scale, occupant-aware environments.



This video gives an introduction to ALSET Lab's hybrid hardware and simulator-based laboratory and the lab’s research on electrified systems. The laboratory’s facility can host real-time hardware-in-the-loop experiments on time-critical applications for cyber-physical systems, including power networks and electrified aircraft. More information at:




For more ALSET videos, click here.


Teaching Modeling and Simulation for CPS using Modelica and the FMI with Hands-on-Laboratories

This presentation gives an overview on a modeling and simulation course using Modelica and Flexible Mock-up Interface technologies that has been offered at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Fall 2018 and 2019 and at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Summer 2019, for both undergraduate and graduate students. The goal is to share experiences in bringing Modelica and the FMI into a modeling and simulation course within the North American curriculum. From the experience teaching this course in three editions, the majority of the students have shown great interest and their projects show that they have become knowledgeable on the course topics.


Engineering a Better World Using Mirrors, Sun, and Steam

Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) is one of the most promising renewable energy technology. It uses the same principle as the established steam turbines in coal and natural gas fired power plants from where we get power today. But it replaces the environmentally polluting fossil fuel (coal/natural gas) with clean and abundant solar energy (sunlight) for converting water into steam and further heating the steam. Since solar energy is available only during the day, it is necessary to capture and store the energy in form of heat in a thermal storage medium and use the stored heat to generate electric power in the night. Implementing CSP at large scale still remains an expensive proposition. Our research (as shown in the video) demonstrates how CSP can be made economically viable by (a) using earth abundant materials for storing thermal energy (heat), (b) using steam as a heat transport fluid instead of corrosive molten salt (that are being used in modern day plants) and (c) using novel designs of solar concentrators made out of array of cheap small mirrors. 


Meet Pepper

This video showcases the Intelligent Systems Lab's research on human-centered AI research, whereby we equip a robot with advanced computer vision and machine learning techniques to automatically recognize humans' facial and body behaviors, to infer humans' emotional states, and to perform natural human and robot interactions. More information about ISL research may be found at:


Autonomous Systems Research

The videos are from experiments done in the groups of control and autonomy. The research challenge here is to compute algorithms that control these robots so that they function safely and correctly.

Robots that Help

Assistive robotics research in Professor John Wen's labs engages both undergraduate and graduate students to work on robots that help mobility challenged individuals to perform daily activities.   On of the projects develops effective robotic assistance for individuals with C4-C7 spinal cord injury (SCI) for activities of daily living (ADL) such as house work or food preparation. The inability to perform ADL are major reasons that individuals with SCI and other disabilities move from living independently to intermediate care residences, because dedicated human help is expensive. Such robots may also be used in tele-health, and ICU patient monitoring and assessment.  For more videos related to robotics research and education at RPI, please visit

Internetworking of Things

Below is a sample project from the IoT Networking course/lab. IoT course provides an in-depth study of the technologies and protocols involved in building the Internet-of-Things (IoT), with specific focus on networking at the edge of the Internet. The lab explores IoT Security and data/content distribution, aggregation, and compression using hands-on experiences utilizing Raspberry Pi’s, Arduino’s, and NI software radio boards.

For more Internetworking of Things demos, click here.


Project to Help Refuel Satellites in Space


NASA Goddard Project


Lighting Enabled Systems and Application @ RPI


Our eyes process reflected lighting to help us navigate the world. See how a network of specialized sensors and LED lighting can allow the building to “see” its environment to create smarter, healthier and more energy efficient buildings and even be used to improve indoor food production.

LESA Introduction

Efficient Buildings - Integrated Building Environment and Management

Circadian Rhythm Control System

Cognition - Interactive Reality

VLC Communication - Unlimited Bandwidth

Plant Science - Precise Wavelength Tuning for Optimal Growth

Plant Science - Growth for the Future


Control System for Regulating Biological Rhythms