ECSE Faculty Research Summaries




Ishwara Bhat Electronic Materials and Device Laboratory Electronic Materials and Devices


Tianyi Chen  Distributed Machine Learning Tianyi Chen: Distributed Machine Learning

Joe Chow  Future of Power Grid Joe Chow: Future of Power Grid

Paul Chow  Smart Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs Paul Chow: Smart Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs 

Partha Dutta  Partha Dutta Research

W. Randolph Franklin   Parallel Computing and Geometry (CAD, GIS) 


Mahmood Hameed Hameed Research

Mona Hella  Micro/Nano-systems Mona Hella: Micro/Nano Systems

Rena Huang Integrated Photonic Systems Rena Huang: Integrated Photonics Systems

Qiang Ji  Intelligent System Laboratory  Qiang Ji: Intelligent Systems Laboratory

Agung Julius Control, Robotics, Systems Biology Agung Julius: Control, Robotics, Systems Biology

Koushik Kar  Computer Network and Internet of Things Koushik Kar: Computer Networks and Internet of Things

Robert Karlicek  Optoelectronic Devices and Systems Robert Karlicek: Optoelectronic Devices and Systems

Amar Khoukhi A Khouki Research

Russell Kraft Kraft Research


Rich Radke  Computer Vision and Applications Richard Radke: Computer Vision and Applications


Shayla Sawyer Shayla Sawyer Research

Fred Schubert  Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Fred Schubert: Microelectronics and Optoelectronics


Michael Shur  Microelectronics and Applications Michael Shur: Microelectronics and Applications

Jian Sun Power Electronics Devices and Power Systems Jian Sun: Power Electronics and Systems

Ali Tajer  Data Analytics, Statistical Learning, Decision Theory Ali Tajer: Data Analytics, Statistical Learning, Decision Theory

Luigi Vanfretti  Cyber-Physical Power Grid Luigi Vanfretti: Cyber-Physical Power Grid

Meng Wang  High Dimensional Systems Data Analytics Meng Wang: High Dimensional System Data Analytics and Approximation

John Wen  Smart Systems and Robotics John Wen: Smart Systems, Robotics

Tong Zhang Computer Architecture and Hardware Design Tong Zhang: Computer Architecture and Systems