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Welcome to ECSE

ECSE offers Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral degrees in Electrical Engineering, and Computer, and Systems Engineering.  ECSE curriculum builds a broad foundation in math, science, humanity and social science, and multiple disciplines in engineering, while allowing flexibility in electives to pursue specialized concentrations.  ECSE students are trained in engineering fundamentals and application-specific domains with emphasis on hands-on education, design experience, and teamwork.  ECSE faculty conducts cutting edge research across multiple disciplines and physical scales, including semiconductor design and processing, smart sensors and devices, 5G communication, and cybertphysical systems such as smart grid and collaborative robots.  ECSE research is powered by federal funding agencies including NSF, NIH, ONR, ARO, AFOSR, DOE, state funding agencies including NYSTAR and NYSERDA, private foundations, and industry partners.


ECSE graduates are highly sought after. They are recruited by Fortune 500 companies, work for national labs, or start their own companies.

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