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ECSE Professor Partha Dutta has been elected to the Executive Committee of the American Association for Crystal Growth (AACG), an international non-profit scientific organization whose yearly conference and summer school bring together students and experts in crystal growth and epitaxy.

ECSE-4740 Applied Parallel Computing for Engineers, taught by ECSE Prof W.

On March 20, 2019 as part of the ECSE 4120 - Electromechanics course, Prof. Shah arranged a tour of the GE plant in Schenectady where large Wound-Field Synchronous Generators are manufactured. These large machines ranging in rating from several 10's of MVA all the way up to many 100's of MVA are designed and built there!

Luigi Vanfretti, associate professor of electrical engineering, was recently elected to the Modelica Association. The nonprofit organization “develops coordinated, open access standards and open source software in the area of cyber physical systems.”

Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering Department 

Reception for the Graduating Class of 2019

The NY Tech Valley FIRST Robotics Regional was hosted by RPI on March 7-9, 2019.  This is the 6th year of this high school roboticscompetition.  36 teams from NY and NJ plus 4 international times from Brazil and Canada competed over the for 3 days event.  Winners of awards in categories that recognize outstanding performance for both on the field and off the field work received invites to the world championships.  ECSE faculty Paul Schoch, Director of the Center for Innovation in Pre-College Education (CIPCE), co-chaired the planning committee.
The Grainger Scholars Award is given annually in Spring in the amount of $7,500 for junior undergraduates who are entering their senior year and $10,000 for current co-terminal students or students entering our Masters or PhD programs.
ECSE doctoral student, Yuan-Chih Peng, was awarded the Foxconn Scholarship. The Hung Hai (Foxconn) Tech Award recognizes outstanding research and awards scholarships to doctoral students from Taiwan. A total of 174 applications were received for this application. The criteria are based on autonomy, practicality, possibility, degree of completion, innovation and the relevance of the business of the Hung Hai group, including the Hung Hai Tech Group.
Rensselaer professor Rich Radke honored as the 2018 TOTA award recipient for his service and accomplishments as a standout educator at RPI.
ECSE faculty Ali Tajer, Jeff Braunstein, and Russ Kraft have been promoted in recognition of their accomplishments in research, teaching, and service.