Undergraduate Research and Teaching Opportunities

Why Engage in Undergraduate Research?

  • Develop personal relationships with faculty
  • Meet and interact with graduate students
  • Apply theory learned in the classroom
  • Create new knowledge through your own work
  • Gain experience for graduate school
  • Help prepare yourself for internship, co-op, or employment
  • Make better informed decisions about your future career


ECSE Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Undergraduate research projects in the ECSE department are arranged based on mutual interests of individual faculty members and students. If you are interested in doing research with a faculty member in his/her research area, please contact the faculty member directly. For general questions about undergraduate research opportunities in the ECSE Department, please contact Dr. Rama Hamarneh (ramah@rpi.edu; Office: JEC 6007).

Undergraduate Research Program Application - PDF

Undergraduate Course Assistant Experience

The ECSE Department also offers Undergraduate Student Assistantship (UGSA) to undergraduate students who are interested in and qualified for assisting certain undergraduate courses. To be considered for these UGSA positions, please contact Prof. James Lu (luj@rpi.edu; Office: CII 6229).