Past Events

Mercer Distinguished Lecture Series
Dr. Harish Viswanathan, Nokia Bell Labs
ECSE Topical Seminar
Bill Fosnight, Alert Innovation
Meeting number (access code) 477 605 149 Meeting password: ECSE
Mercer Distinguished Lecture Series
Robert Boyd, University of Rochester
POSTPONED until further notice
ECSE Topical Seminar
Samir M. Perlaza, Ph.D., Institut National de Recherche en Informatique, Automatique et Mathématiques Appliquées (INRIA)
POSTPONED until further notice
Mercer Distinguished Lecture Series
Ness Shroff, The Ohio State University
POSTPONED until further notice
ECSE Topical Seminar
Bonan Yan, Duke University
Webex Meeting: 736 911 002 Password: ECSE