Assistant Professor
Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering
Ish Jain has been an Assistant Professor in the ECSE Department at RPI since Fall 2024. He received his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC San Diego in 2024. He received an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from New York University in 2018 and a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Kanpur, India in 2016. Ish is passionate about building wireless systems for the next generation networks (6G and beyond), with a multi-disciplinary focus on communication, sensing, and security. His research introduced a frequency-dependent multi-beam framework in mmWave systems to allow a robust, scalable, and efficient multi-user environment. He also explored using frequency-based sensing for localization in autonomous systems and security risks due to mmWave reflections. In each of these areas, Ish combines theoretical analysis with experimental demonstrations using an mmWave communication testbed, which he developed and built.He is a recipient of the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship, VMWare Research Grant, and Marconi Society Scholar in Residence Award. He has been recognized for his work with the Best Poster Award at Hotmobile 2023 and has won the 3-minute Thesis at ACM Mobisys’20, Mobicom’21, and Mobicom’22. His research has been published in leading system venues such as Sigcomm, NSDI, Mobicom, Sensys, Infocom, and IEEE Security and Privacy journals.