Graduate Student Council

ECSE graduate student council, founded in Spring 2019, is invested in improving the graduate student experience in our department. Notable undertakings of the council include planning and overseeing the renovation of the Flip-Flop lounge and organizing mixers to promote interactions between graduate students with different research interests. The council regularly organizes discussion sessions in each of the six core research areas in our department to assist first and second-year doctoral candidates in preparation for the doctoral qualifying exam (DQE).

Graduate Student Council Members

John Higham
President, ECSE Graduate Student Council


Office: JEC 6318

Yunshi "Randy" Wen
Vice President, ECSE Graduate Student Council
Anindita Ghosh
Treasurer, ECSE Graduate Student Council
Office: CII 8313
Glory Justin
Secretary, ECSE Graduate Student Council


Office: JEC 6318

Meltem Tatli
Graduate Student Representative, ECSE Graduate Student Council


Office: JEC 6218

Zhemin "Hisen" Zhang
Graduate Student Representative, ECSE Graduate Student Council
Garrett Gagnon
Graduate Student Representative, ECSE Graduate Student Council
Shiuli Ghosh
Graduate Student Representative, ECSE Graduate Student Council