Clark & Crossan Endowed Chair Professor, Director of Biomedical Imaging Center, Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
Biomedical Engineering
Ge Wang (Fellow, IEEE, SPIE, AAPM, OSA, AIMBE, AAAS, and NAI) is the Clark & Crossan Endowed Chair Professor and Director of the Biomedical Imaging Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, New York, USA). He pioneered the cone-beam spiral CT method in 1991 and published the first perspective on AI-based tomographic imaging in 2016. His other notable contributions, in collaboration with his peers, include interior tomography, bioluminescence tomography, and innovative photon-counting CT algorithms. Dr. Wang's interests encompass AI-based imaging, teaching, and publishing. His recent honors include the 2021 IEEE EMBS Career Achievement Award, 2022 SPIE Meinel Technology Award, 2022 Sigma Xi Chubb Award for Innovation, 2023 RPI Wiley Distinguished Faculty Award, 2023 IEEE R1 Outstanding Teaching Award, 2023 IEEE NPSS/NMISC Hoffman Medical Imaging Scientist Award, and 2024 IEEE TRPMS Best Paper Award. As the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE TMI, Dr. Wang is committed to upholding TMI's tradition of excellence and advancing the “AI4TMI” initiative in collaboration with the global medical imaging community.