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Doctoral Research Opportunities

The following research opportunities are available for doctoral students:

Faculty RA Opportunity Description
Abouzeid, Alhussein
Two recent projects that have open research assistant positions under my supervision are:
Bhat, Ishwara  Potential Sanida National Lab RA opportunity
Chow, Joe / Meng Wang / Ali Tajer / Qiang Ji 1. Potential DOE RA opportunity 2. Power market dispatch 3. Modeling and control of power systems
Chow, Paul Power semiconductor devices and ICs
Franklin, W. Randolph

1. Parallel geometry algorithms on GPUs, with applications to CAD, GIS, and additive  manufacturing 2.Quantum computer programming

Ji, Qiang 1. Computer vision for facial and body behavior analysis) 2. Probabilistic graphic models and applications 3.Probabilistic deep learning 4. Human and machine interactions
Julius, Agung Control and learning with applications in teams of human-autonomous systems
Kar, Koushik 1. IoT based autonomous thermal control of smart indoor spaces 2. Game-theoretic study of inter-domain routing and peering in the Internet
Karlicek, Robert Doctoral research assistantship opportunity in sensor fusion used in autonomous lighting control systems
Lu, James

Heterogeneous Integration, 3D ICs, advanced packaging -- technology, reliability, design, modeling and simulation, power and signal integrity.

Sawyer, Shayla 1. Bio-nano materials and devices 2. Nanocomposite simulations 3. Environmental sensor design
Shur, Michael Need students with strong experimental skills and independent minds
Sun, Jian 1. Power electronics for renewable energy 2. High-voltage dc transmission for offshore wind and power systems 3. Renewable energy applications in distribution systems 4.Hybrid ac-dc power system stability and control
Tajer, Ali 1. Machine learning and high-dimensional data analytics  2. Information theory
Vanfretti, Luigi

(a) Undergraduate students with interest in renewable energy and power electronics are being sought for a cooperation project on photovoltaic system management and control testing using real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation.
(b) Seeking undergraduate students, graduate students and researchers for future project on electrical vertical take-off and landing focusing on new power system architectures and power electronic converter/drives/machines for varied application requirements in electrified Vertical Take-Off and Landing (eVTOL).
(c) Students with interest and/or background on object-oriented, equation-based modeling and simulation of cuber-physical systems, and experience with continuous integration workflows are being sought for a collaboration project on hybrid power system modeling (nuclear and renewables). 

Wang, Meng High-dimensional data analytics: the goal is to develop efficient data-driven methods to extract information from data with provable analytical guarantees. The motivating applications include smart grid data analytics and image processing. More Information
Wen, John Advanced robotics for manufacturing: This project integrates vision and force sensors, task and motion planning, adaptation and learning, and industrial robot control systems to automate industrial manufacturing processes such as composites layup, surface finishing, and assembly. More Information
Zhang, Tong Computer systems: This project investigates the design of memory and data storage systems across software and hardware stacks for future cloud computing and larger-scale data centers. More Information

*updated 9/2021


Faculty Research Summaries