Advanced study and research in Communications and Computer Networking deals with the encoding, transmission, retrieval, and interpretation of information in many forms. Students may pursue programs of study focusing on mathematical modeling and analysis, algorithm design, and hardware/software implementation of solutions for efficient information transmission and retrieval.
Communications research focuses on efficient transmission of information over wireless and wired channels. Research in statistical communications aims at reducing adverse effects on signal transmission over error-prone channels through probabilistic channel modeling and appropriate design of signal encoding, decoding, estimation, and detection mechanisms. The channels considered range from subminiature communication channels inside a computer chip through cable, satellite, and cellular communication channels.
Research in Computer Networking focuses on the design and analysis of algorithms and protocols used for transferring information between end-systems like those through a network of forwarding devices such as routers and switches. This involves comprehensive study of channel access control, routing, and transport mechanisms for wireless and wired networks using mathematical modeling and simulation. The types of networks studied include: cellular, wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks, the Internet, and the emerging Internet-of-Things (IOT).
Applications of communications and networking to other systems, such as the smart grid and vehicle-to-vehicle communications are also part of the Communications and Computer Networking research field.
Area Chair: Koushik Kar